Online Event
Every Thursday @6:30PM ET Starting from Oct 17 - Nov 7, 2024

Journey to Allah



Do You Walk Away from Worship Feeling Fulfilled About Your Connection…

…Or Utterly Disappointed that You Didn't Feel Him (swt) at All?

Are you looking for stability and peace in the most unstable places?

When You Lose Khushu...You Lose a Friend, a Guide, a Hope...

To go from that to... 

Aching to read the Quran as you "feel" the words penetrating your heart...

Impatiently waiting to pray, as if every worship was a beautiful expression of your love for Allah (swt) in itself.

As you experience the serenity that comes from closeness to the Almighty...

You wonder how is it that His words don't even make your eyes tear up, let alone your heart warm. 

When you feel you're not excited anymore for your conversation with Allah...

That's when you're missing out on feeling the sweetness you've only heard about up until now.

And You Deserve to Experience Allah the Way He Sees You, Values You.

In this class, you’ll tap into the incredible depth of daily worship that will change how you pray...

...that will teach you how to have your heart present in your worship despite the distractions around you...

And connect with the magnitude of The Quran, and so much more. 

 You’ll learn "common habits" that have been draining the life out of your Ibadah.

“I’ve never connected with my prayer the way I did after I took this class with Razia. She takes traditional knowledge and makes it easy to connect in your daily life. I had felt disconnected from my daily worship and felt like I was doing the outer actions but not taking anything away. After this class that changed for me completely, and I visit my notes often."

— Sarah

You’re not alone!

In hard times like these, we need a community to uplift each other. And it goes without saying that when we meet and learn together, the transformation is something that can't be felt in online sessions.

You'll Cover 10 Principles from Imam Ghazali's Masterpieces

  • What it means to be vigilant of your prayer
  • How to acquire lasting wealth that brings endless blessing (Charity)
  • ​How to gain victory over Allah's enemy (Fasting) 
  • ​How the minor journey prepares us for the greater journey in life (Hajj) 
  • ​The Best act of Worship that will be your best intercessor on the Day of Judgment (Quran) 
  • ​How to be Successful in Dunya and Akhara (Dhikr) 
  • ​How the external things can affect our internal state (Seeking the Lawful) 
  • ​One of the Pillars of the Religion we overlook (Upholding rights and good companionship) 
  • ​How to build a real support system (Commanding good and forbidding evil)
  • ​How to hold onto and connect with the Key to Happiness Daily (The Sunnah)

Salaam! I'm Razia

As a Spiritual Coach in the last 10 years...
And after deep diving into Islamic teachings and receiving my Alimiyah Degree...

I set out to develop Muslims on Islam-based transformation. 

I look at topics like leadership, self-development, and productivity...
...through our tradition so we are living with the purpose Allah created us for. 

I've worked with 100+ clients in building spiritual disciplines that strengthen your faith... well as trained Imams and coaches on the topics of self-development. 

Experiencing Allah in the here and now is of great need today beyond simply studying about Allah. 

After attending Razia’s class on the 10 principles I realized how much I was missing each day. I’m ashamed to say that I never knew what connecting with The Prophet really meant in my life. How Dhikr could heal so much of my anxiety and pain. I wish every Muslim could take this class


"I’ve struggled with anxiety and stress for as long as I can remember. I had attended one of Razia’s talks, and loved her style of teaching, it’s intimate and very personal. When I signed up for this class I wasn’t sure how much I would get out of it. For the first time in my life, I feel Allah is truly The ultimate Healer, I’ve learned about Allah in a way that I could personally connect. The way I approach my fard acts of worship now has completely changed. Thank you Sr.Razia for this incredible journey.


I had taken a coaching session with Razia, and it shifted the direction of my life. I knew I wanted to take this class with her. If you’ve ever felt the pain of praying but not feeling the connection with Allah through it, or had a difficult test in your life and felt alone. This class will change that for you inshAllah. We’re so blessed in our Deen and sadly we don’t know the richness or at least I didn’t before I took this class. I love Sr.Razia’s passion and approach each class felt like a personal coaching session with knowledge


This program will help you connect with your core needs and how to meet them in sha Allah!

$40 USD (Online)

When: You're invited to join me in this Online Class at 6:30 PM ET on the following dates:

↪ Oct 17th, 2024
↪ Oct 24th, 2024
↪ Oct 31st, 2024
↪ Nov 7th, 2024

Where: Online via Zoom 
Why: To connect with the power, depth, and transformation of daily acts of worship. To know yourself on a deeper level through your worship to Allah!

What you’ll get: A transformative journey to taste the sweetness and peace worshipping Allah brings in your life.

Got questions? I've got answers!

What is the Journey to Allah Through Sweetness of Worship (Based on the works of Imam Ghazali) program?

The class will teach you incredible depth of daily worship that will transform how you pray, how to have you heart present in your worship, connect with the magnitude of The Quran, and so much more. 

You’ll learn common habits that are draining the life out of you and your daily acts of worship. 

What's the date and time for the whole session?

The live session will take place every Thursday on the following dates at 6:30PM ET:
→ Oct 17th, 2024
→ Oct 24th, 2024
→ Oct 31st, 2024
→ Nov 7th, 2024

You can join the class via zoom. We will send email reminders before the session starts.
You will also get Lifetime access to the replays after the session. 

Is there a refund period?

You may request a refund within 24 hours of registration.

Please note any requests that are made after this above time will not be honoured.

Is this program similar to private coaching?

This program is not a substitute for therapy or private, one-on-one sessions. Anyone needing support with trauma should seek individual support.

Any other questions? Email at

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